Saturday, April 19, 2008

election fever

I know that I have no voting rights in United States. I am not even a permanent resident for crying out loud! But everytime an election comes around, I get involved despite my best attempts to not let that happen. This time I'm rooting for Obama. He's smart, he's articulate and it'll be a first time that this country will not have a white man as a president. If it were any woman other than Hillary, my loyalties would've been split. I think I don't want Hillary as the president because it would be like having Billl Clinton back in office and playing puppet master. But then again maybe it's just because I don't like her face! She never makes eye contact with people she's talking to and she's too gaurded in that terribly WASPy way! All she talks about is her politics without ever rooting it i her personal experiences or convictions. Now, Obama is a different cup of tea! He connects with people, he expresses his ideas with the full force of his personality behind it and he is able to think through complex issues without making intellectual bargains. Some may say that he's a better performer but I guess the Democrats could do with some dynamism after Al Bore oops Gore. This time, I hope the best man wins.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

scattered alphabet

eyes swell and subside
laughter flows from the quill
when did living become overkill?
schedule time to kiss, to hold, to breathe
schedule pain too

outside the window
into the green and yellow void
life's scattered alphabet
creates a routine
of expectations and dreams
fading at the seams